Seasonal Witch
It's the Seasonal Witch's day off and she's been called into save Santa once again. Fight though enough enemies to build up the tension bar and find the boss and finish this once and for all. BEWARE, if you let small robots escape they will lower the tension bar.
Move the witch with your mouse, shoot by holding down the left button on the mouse. You start off with a low power spell and gain more power as the tension bar grows.
- Game: SysL
- Public Domain Art: Pixabay (Witch with Cat, Christmas Card, Phone)
- Explode Graphic: Shoehead - Lifter Asset Pack
- Help and Feedback: Internet Janitor and AwfulJams
- Modules: Internet Janitor
- Sounds: Internet Janitor, GDQ Soundpacks, Pixabay Public Domain
- Created for: Deck-Month 2
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really cool!!! im super impressed that you made this in decker, totally not something i realized the program was capable of
It's why I like making something weird each time, it's great when people experiment!
Thank you!
Wow! Very nice work. I like it all, but that background parallax is super-impressive. I would never have imagined you could really do that with Decker.
Oh my god how did you do this?? Besides even just the fact that you made a Decker shmup, the art is cute, it was really fun to push the robot elves against the wall to kill them, and the final boss concept is inspired. Great job!
The deck is fully open, the main things are all in the card level scripts. The other pages have tool scripts for animation.
Feel free to play with it and change things around.
This is wonderful, and so cute. Well done!
Heck yeah, the dream of a shmup in Decker has been realised! And it looks great! I love like the parallax backgrounds and all, it's awesome!
Thank you!